
Bureau of Administration and Fiscal Affairs

The Bureau of Administration and Fiscal Affairs is responsible for overseeing and managing the University of Georgia Police Department. The Bureau is commanded by the Deputy Chief of Administrative and Fiscal Affairs and is comprised of the Records Division, the Crime Prevention Unit and the Computer Support Unit.

Administrative Divisions & Units

Records Division

The University of Georgia Police Records Division provides service and support to the UGA community as well internally to the police department in a number of areas. The Records Division processes and maintains all documentation produced by the department, including police reports and case files, employee related personnel files, employment applications and numerous other types of documents and files. The Records Division ensures that the various types of documentation produced by the agency are properly disseminated to end users within the department, the institution and among many outside entities, such as the court system. In addition to assisting members of the community that call and visit the police department in need of documents, the Records Division also processes all requests for open records, record restrictions and background checks. Records Division personnel serve as a liaison between the police department and many other entities on campus and in the surrounding community that rely on the police department for documentation and records.

Crime Prevention Unit

Any good approach to community policing rests on the twin pillars of education and enforcement. The Crime Prevention Unit endeavors to provide education that allows our audience to make the appropriate choices regarding their safety, their property, and the law. Whether through print media, online resources, or in-person presentations and activities; the Crime Prevention Unit aims to fill its role as part of the educational arm of our department’s community policing efforts.

Your Safety

The Crime Prevention Unit offers workshops and presentations that provide participants with tips to reduce their risk of becoming the victims of crime. These activities are provided by the Police Department at no cost to participants. We encourage anyone interested to contact the Crime Prevention Unit about attending our programs.

Your Property

In addition to programs regarding your personal safety, the Crime Prevention Unit offers tips and resources for securing your property. Did you know, for instance, that you can help the law enforcement community recover your lost or stolen property by keeping records of your serial numbers and other unique identifiers? Give us a call to learn about programs aimed at keeping your property safe.

The Law

We understand that the law can be complex and confusing at times. Add city ordinances and university rules to the mix, and the whole thing can seem overwhelming. The Crime Prevention Unit provides information on how laws impact you. In comfortable informal settings, the Crime Prevention Unit shares information in group settings or one-on-one that helps people make good choices regarding the law. We will not attempt to give you legal advice, but we can offer experiences and observations to make things clearer for you.


All the efforts of the Police Department are aimed at providing a safe and harmonious environment wherein our community can thrive. We believe the best way to build a community is to work together. Accordingly, we endeavor to preserve old relationships and continuously form new ones within our community. Whether you’re representing yourself or a group, we encourage you to let us know how the Crime Prevention Unit can serve you.

Computer Support Unit

The Computer Support Unit maintains the network infrastructure, performs desktop support services and directly assists in cases which require computer forensics expertise.

Operating a mixed Microsoft Windows and Linux environment, The UGAPD Computer Support Unit maintains the network infrastructure, performs desktop support services, and directly assists in cases which require computer forensics expertise.

Computer Support, the IT/MIS unit at UGA’s Police Department, works as an integrated unit within the Bureau of Administration and Fiscal Affairs in planning upgrades and maintaining existing computer hardware and software that the department depends on to meet the University’s goal of keeping the campus community safe from crime. It is the job of the Computer Support unit to preemptively maintain and upgrade systems to minimize downtime during peak operations, such as football games and other large collegiate events.

Computer Support’s full time staff members each have unique and specialized skills which provide the Police Department with a broad spectrum of support skills for both users and visitors.

In addition to working directly with the CID (Criminal Investigation Division) in solving computer related cases and providing digital evidence forensics analysis, Computer Support manages the day to day desktop operations in support of its users. Computer Support also maintains in house server based services like file sharing, network printers, this website, and it develops in house applications on an as needed basis.

For true emergencies please Dial 911 immediately


For non-emergencies we can be reached at 706-542-2200